Package-level declarations
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fun interface C2SPayloadHandler<T : FzzyPayload> : PayloadHandler<T, ServerPlayerEntity, ServerPlayNetworkContext>
Handler for a server receiving a payload sent from a client
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class ClientPlayNetworkContext(client: MinecraftClient, handler: ClientPlayNetworkHandler, sender: PacketSender) : NetworkContext<ClientPlayerEntity>
A client-side network context, used to handle S2C payloads
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interface NetworkApi
API for multiloader abstraction of simple play-phase networking
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fun interface S2CPayloadHandler<T : FzzyPayload> : PayloadHandler<T, ClientPlayerEntity, ClientPlayNetworkContext>
Handler for a client receiving a payload sent from the server
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class ServerPlayNetworkContext(player: ServerPlayerEntity, handler: ServerPlayNetworkHandler, sender: PacketSender) : NetworkContext<ServerPlayerEntity>
A server-side network context, used to handle C2S payloads